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Iain Brunt founder of Antiques.co.uk and gonemodern.com

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04/08/2012 - Step-by-step sightseeing: How to see London's streets on foot

With its hidden squares, historical sights and twisting alleys, London remains one of the best cities in the world for walking. Metro checks out some of the best places in the capital to explore on foot.

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Prominent new sculptures join forces on specially designed tourist walkabout

Two controversial sculptures, which commemorate the allied victory during the Second World War, have been added to the Olympic Art Trail in time for the games.

The art trail - which has been designed to highlight the work of well known as well as lesser-known sculptors - is the brainchild of art dealer Iain Brunt and has been endorsed by the Mayor's office and the Festival of London.

The first new addition to the trail is the Battle of Britain Memorial on the Thames embankment by Paul Day.

The second is world renowned artist Philip Jackson's memorial to the men and women of Bomber Command which was unveiled by the Queen earlier this year.

Both artists have agreed to have their work included in the trail.

"We've had some great feedback for the Olympic Art Trail since it was launched at the beginning of July," says Iain Brunt.

Images of the works and information about the discovery walks can be found at:www.2012sculpture.co.uk

The trails take walkers around the capital through the great parks and across some of the most famous landmarks but they will also take them on a journey through many less well-known parts of the city.

"The idea of drawing attention to the well known as well as the more obscure is reflected in the art we are putting on show," says Iain.

"With Turner Prize-winning artist Anish Kapoor's giant sculpture dominating the artistic landscape around the games comes an opportunity for other less well known but just as talented sculptors to get noticed. Art at the Olympics is one of the big themes the 2012 games."

The two main walks, which run from Grosvenor Square and Hyde Park Corner, are designed to be leisurely strolls packed with interesting art.

The works Iain has put together for the exhibition also include lesser-known pieces by the world famous artist Enzo Plazzotta. The Italian born sculptor - who died in 1981 - spent most of his working life in London. His works can be found across the capital. The most well known is the bronze of the 'Young Dancer' opposite the Royal Opera House or Jete (a ballet move), which can be found in Westminster, opposite Millbank Tower.


Note to Editors:

If you want more information on the exhibition, any of its contributors of an interview with Iain Brunt contact:

Simon Green:
Mobile: 00 44 (0) 7801 933 289
Email: sg@tothepointpr.com

Iain Brunt:
Tel: 00 44 (0) 207 193 4353
Email: Iain@antiques.co.uk

For high res images of the artists or their work please contact Iain or Simon on the above.


14/06/2012 - The London 2012 Open Air Sculpture Exhibition


The world's leading new sculptors join the campaign to highlight the many hidden attractions of London during the games

The capital has gone wild as part of its preparation for the 2012 Olympics.

Visitors to London are in for a rare treat this summer. From July 1st they can encounter wild animals from a leopard stalking prey and a stag surveying his kingdom to an orgy of mating frogs as they wander the city on specially designed routes.

Other exhibits on the trails include: A 'comfy' chair made from toothpaste, a series of futuristic figures with Olympian physiques and life size hounds and wild boars.

The idea - which is backed by the office of the Mayor of London  - is the brainchild of London antique dealer Iain Brunt. Since 2007, when London won the Olympic bid, Iain has been putting together an exhibition to highlight the talents of some of the world's up and coming sculptors.

Images of the works and information about the discovery walks can be found at:


The trails take walkers around the capital through the great parks and across some of the most famous landmarks but they will also take them on a journey through many less well-known parts of the city.

"The idea of drawing attention to the well known as well as the more obscure is reflected in the art we are putting on show," says Iain.

"With Turner Prize-winning artist Anish Kapoor's giant sculpture dominating the artistic landscape around the games comes an opportunity for other less well known but just as talented sculptors to get noticed. Art at the Olympics is one of the big themes the 2012 games."

The two main walks, which run from Grosvenor Square and Hyde Park Corner, are designed to be leisurely strolls packed with interesting art.

The works Iain has put together for the exhibition also include lesser-known pieces by the world famous artist Enzo Plazzotta. The Italian born sculptor - who died in 1981 - spent most of his working life in London. His works can be found across the capital. The most well known is the bronze of the 'Young Dancer' opposite the Royal Opera House or Jete (a ballet move), which can be found in Westminster, opposite Millbank Tower.


Note to Editors:

If you want more information on the exhibition, any of its contributors of an interview with Iain Brunt contact:

Simon Green:
Mobile: 00 44 (0) 7801 933 289
Email: sg@tothepointpr.com

Iain Brunt:
Tel: 00 44 (0) 207 193 4353
Email: Iain@antiques.co.uk 

Images of the sculptures can be seen at www.2012sculpture.co.uk

For high res images of the artists or their work please contact Iain or Simon on the above.